Friday, January 24, 2020

Essay --

El tà ³rax es la porcià ³n del cuerpo que se halla entre el cuello y el abdomen. Envuelve las costillas y el esternà ³n. Interiormente en el pecho se localiza diversos à ³rganos como el corazà ³n, pulmones y esà ³fago. La pleura, una membrana de tejido delgado, reviste el interior de la cavidad torà ¡cica. Observa el tà ³rax para determinar si la frecuencia y los movimientos respiratorios son normales Para que luego se percute el pecho con los dedos para saber si los pulmones està ¡n llenos de aire, lo que es normal, o bien si contienen là ­quido, lo cual es anormal. La percusià ³n tambià ©n permite determinar si la membrana que envuelve el corazà ³n (pericardio) o la que cubre los pulmones (pleura) contiene là ­quido. Colocar la mano sobre el tà ³rax para determinar el tamaà ±o del corazà ³n y el tipo y la fuerza de las contracciones durante cada latido. A veces, un flujo de sangre anormal y turbulenta dentro de los vasos o entre las cavidades del corazà ³n, provoca una vibracià ³n que se percibe con las yemas de los dedos o con la palma de la mano. Un flujo sanguà ­neo turbulento generalmente aparece cuando la sangre pasa por và ¡lvulas estrechas o que no cierran bien. En el caso de los derrames pleurales: se encuentra matidez a la percusià ³n (eventualmente con curva de Damoiseau) con disminucià ³n de las vibraciones vocales a la palpacià ³n. En el caso de condensaciones pulmonares: se encuentra matidez en la percusià ³n con aumento de la transmisià ³n de las vibraciones vocales en la palpacià ³n. En el caso de una atelectasia: se comporta parecido a un derrame pleural pero no se da una curva de Damoiseau. En el caso de un hemidiafragma ascendido: matidez de la base, falta de desplazamiento con la respiracià ³n, ausencia de transmisià ³n de vibraciones vocales en esa zona. En el caso... ...a columna. Colocando el fonendoscopio sobre las arterias y las venas en cualquier lugar del cuerpo, se pueden detectar seà ±ales de flujo turbulento, llamados soplos, causados por un estrechamiento de los vasos o por comunicaciones anormales entre ellos. No todas las enfermedades cardà ­acas provocan soplos y no todos los soplos indican un trastorno. En una estenosis mitral en ritmo sinusal: ritmo regular; primer ruido acentuado; en el dià ¡stole se ausculta un chasquido de apertura seguido por una rodada mitral, de intensidad III/VI, con un refuerzo pre sistà ³lico. En una insuficiencia aà ³rtica en ritmo sinusal: ritmo regular; segundo ruido disminuido de intensidad; soplo diastà ³lico en decrescendo, grado II/VI, que se ausculta en el foco aà ³rtico y borde para esternal izquierdo. Soplo meso sistà ³lico grado II/VI en el foco aà ³rtico que se irradia a la base del cuello.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Europe Africa And The Americas In 1492 To 1750 Essay

Throughout history, many changes have happened throughout the world. These changes shaped the world to be what is it was and also lead to other changes. For example, advances in technology, such as the creation of the magnetic compass, drastically changed exploration. However, these changes these changes did not occur without continuities. Take the bow for example, whether being used to hunt, wield in battled, or just to showcase skill, man has been using the bow for decades since the first bows were crafted. The years of 1492 to 1750 was a period of great change in Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas that resulted in changes in economy, like the introductions of new trade routes, along with changes in society such as changes in demography, which were especially relevant in the Americas. With all of these changes also existed continuities such as, in terms of economic continuities, the rich were still employing slave labor in order to produce materials for trade and desire of th e Spanish to convert people to Christianity in regards to social remained. In the years of 1492 through 1750, many questionable choices and things occurred due to the use of new trade routes that both furthered and damaged the economy in different regions of the world, mainly Western Europe. The triangle trade was one of the most notable of these trade routes considering that it lead to so many things that affected the world because it was a trade route that connected Europe to Africa to the Americas. This trade route would be a major cause of economic change on the world because of its use to trade slaves, raw material produced in the Americas by those slaves, and along with silver from the mines of the Americas which were shipped to Western Europe. The silver at first was an undeniable positive for Western Europe much like the export of raw materials from the colonies in the Americas. This export of materials was a great advantage to the mother countries because it means the mother countries could dedicate their land and time to other issues. Furthermore this leaves having to import theses raw materials from other countries thus giving the other counties more money which in turn gives them more power, having to pay taxes to trade route controllers, and it cuts out and political disputes that had a chance of occurring. The trade of silver on the other hand was far more controversial. At first it was a big boom to Spain’s economy because of how valued silver was at this time. However, that all changed when the value of silver drastically dropped due to inflation. This caused Spain economic problems because it gave them a false sense of security when they spent money fighting too many wars, money that they would no longer have. Both of the silver and raw material shipped to Western Europe from the America was mined and produced by slaves sold by Africa to the Europeans which lead to growth in Africa’s economy but a drop in its population and the way of life of Africans. Along with the arrival of the Europeans on the Americas, the trade of these slaves itself, caused changes in Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Of course Europe benefited economically but more prevalently was its effect on the demography of both the Americas and Africa. The America’s culture and population were two main effects of the trade of slaves. With the decreasing population and life expectancy of the natives of the Americas thanks to the diseases brought by the Europeans because they had no immunity, the trade of slaves slowed the rate a small amount because coming from Africa they already have some immunity to disease. The African slaves crossbred with the Europeans as well as the natives which led to the diversification of the population. This introduced creoles and mestizos social classes caused differences in the social ladder with europeos at the top, under them were the creoles, below the were the mestizos, next the Native Americans, then the free blacks, and the slaves at the bottom. In Africa the way of life and population was drastically changed due to slave trappers and traders. Families were ripped apart and the population was decreasing as Africans were being sold as slaves to the Europeans Slavery traces as far back as Ancient Greece and as continued all the way up to, and through the years of 1492 and 1750. They were still used for chores and for hard labor because they were cheap and replaceable. Rights and conditions of the slaves also did not change; they had no freedom, no rights, and no say, because they were still considered property by the Spanish and Portuguese. The Spanish and Portuguese bought and used slaves in fields and mines of the Americas with the majority of the slaves going to  Brazil, a Portuguese colony. They used slaves rather than hiring workers or doing the work themselves because for the same reason the Ancient Greek did it; it was cheap, easy, and they were replaceable. Slave labor continued throughout these years and even continued on past the year 1750. Another continuity of the years of 1492 and 1750 was the Spanish’s desire to convert the â€Å"barbaric† natives of the Americas to â€Å"proper† men of the Christian Faith. Some welcomed Christianity while some rejected it due to their comfort and contentment with their own religion and beliefs. The natives had previously practiced a polytheistic with human sacrifices, cannibalism, and rituals which was savage and barbaric to the Spanish. This caused the Spanish to forcibly convert the natives to Christianity with disregard of what the natives wanted. This was done by taking people including children from the Americas away and teaching them the ways of Christianity and sending them back to spread those ideas to others. The years of 1492 to 1750 held some big changes economically and socially to Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Economically, all three benefited excluding Western Europe when the inflation of silver hit. Socially, the demography of Africa was altered and the Americas drastically. Yet, not everything changed during this time period. Much of history remained constant during the period too. This included the use of slave labor in regards to economics and the Spanish desire to spread Christianity throughout the world.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Crisis of Enron and Auditors Responsiblilites - 2149 Words

Viktoria Martirosyan Case 1.1 Qt.1 Several parties were responsible for Enron crisis, including independent auditor, key executive officers, internal auditors, SEC and FASB. The hypocrisy, dishonorable actions and unethical behavior of Kenney Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, Andrew Fastow led to bankruptcy. This and many other problems, such as loss in transactions involving the swaps stocks, SPE related issues and est., finally contributed to crisis. As Enron executives, all of their concerns should have been focused on Enron’s profits, but seems that many of them only cared about their wealth. When financial problem surfaced, they did not attempt to fix it, but made efforts to maintain their own benefits and ignored the whole company’s and†¦show more content†¦Enron made only nominal financial statement disclosures for its SPE transactions and those disclosures were typically presented in confusing if not cryptic, language. 2. SAS 55- Internal Controls. Judging from the case, it can be clearly seen that internal control was not working properly. 3. SAS 45 Related parties - Special Purpose entities were a mechanism to raise needed financing for various purposes without being required to report the debt in their balance sheets. Enron used gaping loophole in accounting practice to create hundreds of SPEs and it did not limit its SPEs to financing activities. Enron used SPEs for the purpose of downloading underperforming assets from its financial statements to the financial statements of related by unconsolidated entities. SPE would finance the purchase of those assets by loans collateralized by Enron’s common stock. In some cased, undisclosed side agreement made by Enron with an SPE’s nominal owner insulated those individuals from any losses on their investments and, in fact, guaranteed them a windfall profit. Even more troubling, Enron often sold assets at grossly inflated prices to their SPEs allowing the company to manufacture large â€Å"paper† gain on t hose transactions. Qt.4 Audit documentation as per SAS 103, is a record of audit procedures performed, relevant audit evidence obtained, and conclusions the auditor reached. It supports the fact that the audit was done in accordance with auditing